

Anmälan görs på plats vid Instituto Cervantes kansli, Bryggargatan 12A. eller online på

Studenter, pensionärer och arbetslösa erhåller 10 % på kursavgifter. 15 % rabatt ges till tidigare kursdeltagare på Instituto Cervantes. Dock totalt max rabatt 25 %. Om du uppfyller något/några av de angivna kriterierna för rabatt på kursavgiften måste du uppge detta vid anmälningstillfället. Rabatt kan ej erhållas i efterhand.


Anmälningar som görs på plats kan välja att betala med bankkort eller mot faktura som skickas hem till dig efter kallelse. Betalningen online sker på vår hemsida via PAYER där du kan välja mellan kortbetalning eller fakturering. Om du väljer fakturering skickas fakturan hem till dig efter kallelse.


Anmälan är bindande men om du skulle behöva avanmäla dig gäller din ångerrätt från och med anmälningsdatumet och 14 dagar framåt. Avanmälan sker skriftligt till oss. Om du avanmäler dig efter ångerrätten och innan en vecka före kursstart betalar du en avgift på motsvarande 10 % av kursavgiften. Om du avanmäler dig inom en vecka före kursstart debiterar vi dig en avgift motsvarande halva kursavgiften.

Påbörjad kurs

Om du avbryter din påbörjade kurs blir det ingen ersättning. Om du avbryter din påbörjade kurs på grund av sjukdom ber vi dig skicka till oss ett relevant läkarintyg snarast så ersätter vi dig för de outnyttjade kvarstående lektionerna. Ingen återbetalning sker för eventuell frånvaro från lektionstimmar.

Om förutsättningarna (tid, veckodag eller kursstart) för kursen ändras på initiativ av Instituto Cervantes, återbetalas hela kursavgiften. Instituto Cervantes förbehåller sig dock rätten att vid behov byta lärare under pågående kurs, ställa in kurser med färre än sex anmälningar samt på grund av "force majeure". I vissa fall kan IC göra undantag och öppna kurser med färre än 6 deltagare. I dessa fall blir det en studietimme på 45 minuter istället för 55 minuter dock med full garanti på att inte påverka kursinnehållet. Vid byte av kurs, nivå, dag eller tid på kursdeltagarens initiativ tas en administrativ avgift ut på 250kr. Om något/några av de angivna kriterierna uppfylls för rabatt på kursavgiften måste detta uppges av eleven vid anmälningstillfället. Rabatt kan ej erhållas i efterhand.

Gruppens storlek

I allmänhet består en grupp av minst sex och max tolv elever. Vid specialfall och under särskilda omständigheter kan Instituto Cervantes öppna en kurs med färre antal elever eller inkludera en elev i en fulltecknad kurs.
Instituto Cervantes förbehåller sig rätten att ställa in en kurs om färre än sex elever har anmält sig. I vissa fall kan IC göra undantag och öppna kurser med färre än 6 deltagare. I dessa fall blir det studietimmen 45 minuter istället för 55 minuter dock med full garanti på att inte påverka kursinnehållet.
Studenterna som har anmält sig till en kurs som inte blir av får i förväg information och eventuellt alternativ till annan kurs. Hela kursavgiften återbetalas om det inte blir någon kurs.


Lärarna på Cervantesinstitutet har samtliga spanska som modersmål. De har universitetsutbildning, inklusive master- och/eller doktorsexamen, och är specialiserade på undervisning av spanska som främmande språk. De är insatta i såväl aktuella trender som de senaste forskningsrönen inom pedagogik och inlärning, och använder sig av stimulerande metoder som gör varje lektion till en minnesvärd upplevelse.

Språk på lektionerna

På Instituto Cervantes uppmuntrar vi att elever och lärare använder spanska under lektionerna. På så sätt får våra elever ut maximalt av lektionerna och språkinlärningen.
Undantagsvis, på lägre nivåer, kan andra språk användas för att garantera en total förståelse av allt som tas upp på lektionerna.


Studenterna är ansvariga för att själva införskaffa kurslitteratur.

Mer information


The Instituto Cervantes is the organisation responsible for the academic, administrative and economic management of the “Diplomas in Spanish as a Foreign Language” (DELE), which are issued by its Director on behalf of the Secretary of State of Education, Culture and Sports in Spain.

  1. General matters:
    The examination dates and enrolment periods, together with as all other information about the DELE diplomas, are available on the official DELE portal, at
    The enrolment fee for registration in any of the DELE diplomas includes the right of examination on the date and in the Examination Centre chosen, and the shipping costs of the corresponding diploma.
    Under no circumstances will registration in a DELE exam session, whose registration period has ended, be permitted.
    The candidate who does not pass the DELE examination or who fails to attend the exam, will not have the right to a second opportunity, whatever the reason.
  2. Candidate requirements:
    DELE diplomas are aimed at literate members of the public of all ages.
    The Instituto Cervantes accepts enrolment applications for DELE examinations from all persons who pay the fee for the corresponding rights to enrolment.
    To enrol in these exams it is important -and compulsory for enrolments through electronic media- to provide, in addition to other obligatory personal data, a private email address for the candidate. This email address, whose correct functioning is the responsibility of the candidate, will be used, if that is the decision of the DELE Examination Centre or the Instituto Cervantes, to communicate all aspects related to the Instituto Cervantes and the DELE diplomas, including information regarding the sitting of the examination and the publication and printing of their qualifications.
    With the payment of registration fees, the candidate accepts the present purchase conditions, declares to comply with the administrative and economic requirements necessary to obtain the DELE diploma, and commits to attend the exam with the documents that certify compliance with these conditions. These documents are necessary for their correct identification and include the receipt of their registration and their passport or an official photo identification document.
    Parents, tutors or legal guardians must register minors or people without the legal capacity to act. They must provide a different e-mail address for each of the candidates that are registered.
  3. Enrolment procedure:
    Enrolment for the DELE examinations should be carried out through the media authorised for this purpose by the INSTITUTO CERVANTES within the established period.
    In order to enrol through electronic media, the candidate must follow the instructions for the electronic enrolment system and pay special attention to the terms and conditions which appear on the enrolment receipt. In this case, the candidate must provide the following documents:
    DELE enrolment appliation form duly completed
    The original and a photocopy of their passport or an official photo identification document, in which the following details appear: given and family names, nationality, place and date of birth. The details declared by the candidate in the registration form must correspond to those on the previously mentioned identification document.
    A supporting document to show payment for the corresponding right to enrol.
  4. Candidate information:
    It is the responsibility of the candidate to ensure that all information supplied (especially that referring to their identity first name and surname, ID document number, and date and place of birth — and the details of the chosen DELE examination they wish to sit — examination centre, date and level —) are correct before finalising the enrolment process, as an error made by the candidate while entering this data could be reflected in the official DELE diploma, which can only be re-issued following payment of the relevant costs, and could also cause administrative problems.
    Personal information provided during enrolment must coincide with the information that appears on the official ID document of the examination candidate. Only those candidates who are correctly identified and whose ID coincides with the information on their enrolment receipt will be admitted to the examinations.
    The candidate must notify the xamination centre of any change in personal details that could affect the sending of communications related to the DELE Spanish diplomas
    For any change or incident relating to their personal data, the candidate should contact us through this link
    The Instituto Cervantes is not responsible for any damage caused by the supply of erroneous or out of date information during the enrolment application carried out by the candidate.
  5. Candidates with special needs:
    The Instituto Cervantes can provide access to the DELE Diploma examinations under special conditions to those candidates who, because of their personal circumstances (visual, hearing or motor impairment; certain learning difficulties, or being unable to leave religious, hospitals or penitentiary centres), are unable to attend under the usual conditions.
    A candidate with any of the special needs provided for in the INSTITUTO CERVANTES guidelines for DELE examinations is obliged to communicate and justify these needs to the examination centre, within a maximum period of 48 hours from the moment of enrolment, by following the instructions in the corresponding section of the Instituto Cervantes Exams Portal.
    Any candidate who fails to communicate their needs on time and in the manner requested will lose their right to sit the examination with these special conditions.
    In a case where the special measures requested by the candidate could not be authorised, through lack of available resources at the examination centre or at the INSTITUTO CERVANTES or because the request is not provided for in the procedure, the candidate can ask for the cancellation of their enrolment, so long as this request is made within 72 hours of the communication of the special needs request denial.
    For more information, please consult the administrative procedure for DELE examinations in special circumstances which appears on the Instituto Cervantes Exams Portal.
  6. Cancellations and refunds:
    The candidate has a right to a refund (or cancellation) according to legal provision. A request for a refund or cancellation must be made in writing fully and unequivocally (in other words, including all the candidate’s personal information and the enrolment code provided), within 14 calendar days of the date of enrolment using the online cancellation form at, if they enrolled via or - if they enrolled by a different method - at the examination centre where they enrolled.
    Any request for a refund will be denied if made by other means or sent outside the established legal period.
    In the case of a cancellation, all payments received by the client will be returned, using the same payment method as in the initial transaction, without any undue delay and, in any case, within 14 calendar days of the date on which the INSTITUTO CERVANTES was informed of the decision to cancel the contract.
    Once the candidate is enrolled for a DELE examination and 14 days have passed since enrolment and payment, they lose the right to a refund of enrolment costs.
    A DELE candidate who, before the examination for which they have enrolled has taken place, finds they have passed an earlier DELE examination that they sat as a result of a revision of qualifications or a claim they had initiated earlier, will have a right to a full refund of the fee paid for their DELE examination enrolment. A candidate in these circumstances must request in writing the fee refund within a maximum period of one month from the communication of the news of their successful claim.
    At the end of this period, the candidate loses their right to a refund of the enrolment fee.
  7. Invalidations:
    In the following cases, enrolment will be subject to cancellation, and the candidate will have the right, following a request, to a full refund of examination rights or to take the examinations during the next examination period.
    • In the case of the impossibility of sitting the examinations through fault of the examination centre.
    • In the case of cancellation of the examinations as a result of an act of God or natural disaster which causes cancellation of the examination or physical or personal risk to the candidate on their journey (floods, state of war, etc.).
    In either case, the candidate must make an unequivocal and complete request in writing for the refund of the fee paid to the place where the enrolment took place —examination centre or electronic page — within one month after the date set for the written examinations. At the end of this period, the candidate loses the right to a refund of the fee.
  8. Changes to sitting date, Examination Centre or examination:
    Once the deadline has passed following enrolment for an examination, no changes will be permitted, nor will enrolments be accepted for the examination following the deadline, for whatever reason.
    Making a change to the sitting date, centre or examination will not alter in any way the cancellation period, which will still be 14 days from the date of the initial enrolment.
    It is the responsibility of the candidate to ensure they send an unequivocal notification to the same place where they enrolled, which should include their personal details and their enrolment code, within the stated period and in writing, to request the desired change.
    The administration of a change will not incur a cost to the candidate, unless there is a difference in the examination fee, in which case the candidate must pay the difference. If the request is to change to an examination at a fee lower than that paid, the difference will not be refunded.
    Once enrolled, the candidate may request changes to the conditions of their enrolment, according to the following criteria:
    A. Electronic enrolment to sit the general DELE examinations (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 and C2) at the examination centres in Spain:
    Change of sitting date, examination, or examination centre:
    The candidate may request a change to the sitting date, the examination or the centre so long as the enrolment period remains open for the sitting of the original enrolment and the enrolment period for the sitting for which they would like to enrol is still open at the time of requesting the change and has places available.
    It is not possible to change to centres in a different country, nor to examination models which are not sold on the Instituto Cervantes Exams Portal.
    B. Enrolment at DELE examination centres:
    Change of examination centre:
    Once the enrolment is complete, it is not possible to change to another examination centre.
    Change of sitting date or level of DELE examination:
    The candidate may make a request to their examination centre to change the sitting date or the DELE examination level, so long as the enrolment period remains open for the sitting of the original enrolment and the enrolment period for the sitting for which they would like to enrol is still open at the time of requesting the change and has places available.
    The candidate may request changes to the DELE examination level, so long as they pay the fee for the new examination they are requesting where the fee is higher than that already paid. If the request is to change to an examination at a fee lower than that paid, the difference will not be refunded.
    In the case of DELE examinations for school children (DELE A1 escolar and DELE A2/B1 ESCOLAR) who have been enrolled at examination centres in Spain it will not be possible to change to general level DELE examinations.
  9. Taking the examinations:
    Enrolment requires the choice of a specific examination centre, so the candidate will only have the right to attend the examination at that centre, or in other buildings belonging to the centre which have been authorised for that purpose, and on the date of the chosen sitting.
    Candidates must arrive for the examination at the time and place specified on their enrolment receipt bringing the following documentation:
    1. The enrolment receipt provided by the examination centre or sent to their email address by the online enrolment system.
    2. Their passport or official ID document with photograph provided during enrolment. In the case of applicants from member states of the European Union a passport can be substituted by the ID document of the country of origin together with an EU Citizen Registration Certificate.
    3. Official notice of the examination sitting, which they will have received from the examination centre. The enrolment payment for the DELE diplomas at one examination sitting exclusively allows a single opportunity to take the exam on the date of the chosen sitting.
    Non-appearance of the candidate for the examinations at the designated time and place, except in the cases for invalidation listed in section 7 above, does not entitle them to a refund of the enrolment fee, nor to use it for other DELE examination sittings.
  10. Inadmissible behaviour:
    A candidate excluded from the examinations for inadmissible behaviour, defined as any action by which they or another candidate derives or could derive unfair benefit or disadvantage, in the opinion of the examination board, will remain excluded and lose their right to an examination grade.
    This exclusion means that the candidate will lose the right to sit the examination that is part of the current examination period
  11. Photographing and recording the examinations:
    The candidate may be photographed during the examinations for the purposes of security and identity control. The DELE examinations may be subject to electromagnetic or digital audiovisual recording, whether in a systematic or random way, in order to monitor the performance of the examiners, to carry out research and development with the aim of improving the examinations or to obtain additional documentary evidence to resolve a claim.
    To these ends, by accepting these terms and conditions, the candidates authorise the INSTITUTO CERVANTES to record their interviews and transfer all intellectual property and image rights and creative aspects that correspond to these for the longest period permitted in current legislation for all countries of the world.
  12. DELE qualifications:
    All the information about the examination criteria and grade scales can be found on the Guides to DELE examinations on the Instituto Cervantes Exams Portal.
    The INSTITUTO CERVANTES informs all candidates who have sat the DELE examinations of the grade that they have received via the official portal
    Each candidate for the DELE diplomas can download through their restricted access account on the Instituto Cervantes Exams Portal following registration, their grade certification, which indicates whether they have received a PASS or FAIL in the examination. This document is signed electronically by the INSTITUTO CERVANTES and has a Secure Verification Code, giving it certifiable value.
    Those candidates who receive a PASS will be entitled to the dispatch of the appropriate accrediting diploma.
    Candidates who have received a FAIL in the overall mark for the examinations and would like to enrol again for the DELE examinations must take all the examinations again, even if they obtained a PASS in one of the examination groups.
  13. Revision of marks:
    Each candidate has the right to request a single revision of their assigned marks, by completing a form that is available following registration in their private section of the Instituto Cervantes Exams Portal.
    Requests for the revision of assigned marks made outside the stated period will not be accepted, since it is the responsibility of the candidate to comply with the deadlines for the publication of qualifications and for requests for the revision of marks.
    Requests for access to, the return or reproduction of any of the examinations will not be granted.
    All information relating to the procedure for revision of DELE examination marks, calificaciones de las pruebas DELE, is available via the appropriate tab on the Instituto Cervantes Exams Portal.
  14. Complaints
    All candidates have the right to make as many complaints as they wish against the INSTITUTO CERVANTES through the INSTITUTO CERVANTES headquarters website at http://sede.
  15. Dispatch of DELE Diplomas:
    The dispatch of DELE diplomas is the responsibility of the INSTITUTO CERVANTES, which sends each examination centre the diplomas of all its successful candidates so that these centres can send them on to the candidates.
    The examination centre will therefore inform each candidate who has received a PASS that their diploma is ready and will send it by a secure method to the address provided.
    Successful candidates should therefore contact their examination centre for any information related to the receipt of the DELE diploma. If, for any reason, the candidate does not receive the accrediting DELE diploma and does not make a claim about it for more than a year after the date their examination result is published, they will lose all rights of dispatch, although, if they wish, they may request that their examination centre dispatch another diploma.
    The candidate must meet the costs of re-sending the diploma, unless the need to re-send it is attributable to the examination centre or the INSTITUTO CERVANTES.
    If the candidate requests the dispatch of their DELE diploma to a country other than the one where they sat the exam, the examination centre may charge them the postal costs following prior agreement with the candidate.
    The INSTITUTO CERVANTES also reserves the right to apply a cost for dispatch in the same circumstances if the diploma has to be sent directly to the candidate from the INSTITUTO CERVANTES headquarters.
  16. Intellectual property:
    All DELE diploma related material that is given out or sent to candidates is subject to intellectual, industrial and economic property rights analogous in content to those of the INSTITUTO CERVANTES, or of the relevant third parties, so that any infringement of these will be pursued legally.
  17. Applicable legislation and jurisdiction:
    Whatever litigious issue that may arise between the candidate and the INSTITUTO CERVANTES will be governed by or interpreted in accordance with Spanish legislation. Both parties, therefore, renouncing completely the jurisdiction that may correspond to them, will comply with the jurisdiction and powers of the courts of Madrid

Enrolment for the DELE diplomas on the part of the candidate implies their complete acceptance of these terms and conditions of purchase and their commitment to supply the supporting and identity documentation that is requested during the process of obtaining their diploma.

For more information about DELE diplomas, visit https://


In accordance with the law, personal data supplied by the candidate will be incorporated in the records entitled ‘Gestión académica’, owned by the INSTITUTO CERVANTES, for the purpose of the effective management of the courses and the DELE diplomas, as well as to inform them of the related to INSTITUTO CERVANTES certification and educational/training products, whether by physical or electronic means. The personal data supplied by the candidate may be passed to other organisations that are part of the Spanish public administration in order to process applications for Spanish nationality, where appropriate. The candidate may exercise their rights to access, amend, cancel and oppose the treatment, use or passing on of their data by email to, by post to the INSTITUTO CERVANTES (c/Alcalá, 49. Madrid 28014) or in person at the INSTITUTO CERVANTES Registry in Madrid at the above address.

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